Israeli concessions only lead to more Arab demands for further Israeli concessions. The self-appointed scaremongering industry warning of the “last chance for peace” undermines the prospects of genuine peace.
The Quran itself verifies with detailed explanation that Allah promised the land of the modern State of Israel to the Jewish People. Are Muslims denying the words of Allah or is the Quran a Zionist document?
Arabs and Jews have vastly different historical experiences that dramatically affected their respective cultures, values and mindset. To Jews compromise is a virtue; for Arabs, an invitation for further aggression.
We don't seek to conquer the lands of others as did the colonialist Arab, British or European empires of old. We simply want to determine our own future, the future of the Jewish people, in our own land.
Opponents of Israel, including many of its Arab citizens, defiantly wave the PLO flag, yet have no idea what it actually symbolizes and that it has served many other Arab causes. The origins and history of a false flag.
What’s in a name? In the case of the Arabs, it tells you what their tribe and country of origin are. It also dispels the biggest fallacy the “Palestinians” would like you to believe.
Like any good New Yorker, Trump knows that bullies prey on the weak. In NYC the meek do not inherit the earth - they get mugged. You stop thugs like Iran by confronting, not appeasing them.
The scandalous conduct of the Obama administration regarding the nuclear deal, the failure of the world Intelligence Agencies and other consequences of Israel's amazing Intelligence coup against Iran
100 prominent French intellectuals last month published a denunciation of Islamic totalitarianism in a leading French paper, the first time in 40 years that such a public declaration was published.
The unwillingness of Antisemitism conferences to recognize the Islamic threat against Jews represents an appalling betrayal of Jews who have fallen victims to Muslim Jew hatred.
Europe, obsessed with confronting the Jew-hatred of the Right-wing, ignores and even fosters the more lethal brand of Jew-hatred practiced by Islamists. It may come back to bite them.
The discussion in the west on Islam is subject to deliberate misrepresentation, to manipulate people's ignorance. This learner's guide of basic concepts is provided to keep our readership informed.