Contrary to the academic, political, defense and media establishments’ dogma, the is no Arabic demographic “time bomb”. There is, however, unprecedented Jewish demographic growth
International law guarantees each state its right to self-defense, and yet Israel has been repeatedly condemned for doing just that. The ICC has no jurisdiction to investigate Israel
Former Minister of Justice Haim Ramon goes on the offensive: "The left and the center in Israel have given up on persuading the public, they want to rule through the judiciary and the bureaucracy"
The memory of the Shoah cries out to the present generation not to take its military and political abilities for granted – and to be willing to use those abilities against those who wish for the Jewish people to be destroyed.
President Trump appears to recognize that the conflict is not about specific borders, but about the Arabs’ total opposition to Israel’s existence. Israel could be on its way to a full annexation of Judea and Samaria.
European leaders condescendingly believe that they know better how the Jewish nation should run its affairs. A sovereign and independent Jewish state is, once again, condemned for being strong and unapologetic.
"Politics is the art of the possible" Bismarck used to say. 150 years later, the image of Israel today as a major power, seems to be a direct consequence of a similar policy of its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.
On the eve of the Israeli elections day, it is important that the politicians remember: the mandate of an elected Israeli Prime Minister is to secure a prosperous future for Israel.
Twenty-five years after the Oslo Accords and a few days before Israeli elections- it is time our leaders learn from History. The end of the conflict will come only after we achieve a clear Israeli victory.
President Trump’s recognition of Israel’s Golan Heights advances Israel’s victory and is the beginning of the end of free lunches for the defeated Arab aggressors.
Following the media storm caused by the top-model, the Hasbara activist reports to “Mida”: “The current government invested in the Arab sector. Many think like me but they do not have the courage to tell the truth”.
With all the financial, political and emotional capital already invested in the cause of ‘Palestine’, it is vital to keep up a certain ‘narrative’ with which facts must never be allowed to interfere.