When it comes to Israel and Jews, much of the West has regressed since November 1947 when Western democracies overwhelmingly voted in favor of welcoming the first Jewish state in 2000 years.
As long as Ramallah and Gaza prioritize Israel’s destruction over the well being of their populations, the two-state plan will remain an unattainable pipe dream.
Liberal American Jews are free to disagree with President Trump. Yet, if they still consider themselves Jews, they owe Trump a measure of respect for his support for the Jewish state of Israel and cracking down on its enemies.
While she gets to walk the hallways of an Israeli institution in comfort, Jewish students in the United States are intimidated because of the activities that Lara Alqasem was part of and led.
The UN and EU, who completely ignored terrorist arson, missiles and general destruction aimed at Israel for the past eight months, have now suddenly woken up. The prospect of Jews defending themselves is more than they can bear.
Israel has been reluctant to use massive force against terrorist enemies hiding in civilian urban areas like Gaza and it increasingly focuses more on fighting anti-Israel propaganda than defeating its adversaries in the battle field.
Properly understanding the conflict’s origins is critical for the assessment of what can be done to resolve it. The PA’s Supreme Shariah Judge is very clear about the Islamic view, but are we listening?
Saying that a terrorist acted alone is no doubt convenient for the Israeli government. It allows it to shy away from the hard questions and the difficult conclusions that might be reached otherwise.
Sanctions against Iran have not rallied the Iranian people around their regime as critics have warned. Iranians are blaming their own regime for the harsh oppression and deteriorating living conditions.
Beyond a nearly universal approval of Israel’s existence, Jews outside of Israel have to reconcile Israel’s political necessities and national interests with those of their home nation, very often putting them at odds.
The Israeli government would never tolerate a nonchalant, less than maximum deterrence approach by other governments to Jewish communities the world over. Citizens of Israel should expect the same from our government here.
Arabs who try to sell land to Jews can expect life imprisonment and to be subjected to forced labor by the PA for engaging in something that most people would probably describe as “co-existence”.
More than anything else, unconditional support of the PLO has undermined any realistic conclusion to the Arab-Israeli conflict. President Trump is breaking from failed traditions.
Contrary to the prevailing view of the American establishment, Trump decided that the connection with Israel was more important for the interests of his country than to try to advance the failed "peace process".
Influence is no longer a function of overriding wealth or coercive power. When the Elites, who have been used to telling regular folks what their values should be, lose their monopoly, they often lash out.
Europe, which claims to care deeply about human rights and routinely condemns Israel while falsely accusing it of breaching human rights, has chosen to support the Islamo-fascist mullahs against the Iranian people.
Ronald Lauder would be smart to learn from Israel's "Nation-State" law to strengthen Jewish identity among the fading American Diaspora instead of virtue signaling on the pages of the NY Times.
We don't seek to conquer the lands of others as did the colonialist Arab, British or European empires of old. We simply want to determine our own future, the future of the Jewish people, in our own land.