We still need your help though, donate to MiDA today! The MiDA fund raising campaign was a huge success. We raise our glasses in your honor, Thank you.

MiDA’s fund raising campaign has, to our great delight, come to very successful completion. We could not have asked for a better gift than the great support we received over the past few days.
We want to thank all those who helped with this achievement. The countless Israelis and supporters of Israel around the world who came to our aid. The thousands who donated their hard earned money; and the many who showed an interest in the campaign, shared our request and spread the word through different channels.
Special thanks to our writers Judith Bergman and Daniel Krygier who worked diligently to get the message out to the international audience. We are grateful to Forest Rain Marcia, Elana Yael Heideman and the Israel Forever Foundation, Avi Abelow and Suzanne Pomeranz for their assistance.
This support, the willingness to help our site in any way, does not come as a surprise to us. For years MiDA has stressed the fact that the people of Israel are strong, generous, giving and care for each other. In contrary to the message we are inundated with from the industry of melancholy promoted by the small and grumpy leftist minority. The ability of Israelis to mobilize and contribute is tremendous. you proved us right. Israelis and supporters of Israel know how to rise to the challenge when needed.
The fund raising campaign has ended, but MiDA still needs your support. The best way to continue helping is by donating here: https://en.mida.org.il/donate-mida/.
We are still developing the idea of a subscription, contemplating what the benefit for that will be. We have a few ideas, yet we will be happy to hear any suggestions you may have. In the meantime purchase of a subscription will serve as a donation, which will provide us with more stability and allow us to develop more of the quality content you have come to expect and to expand into audio podcasts and video content.
So thank you again and when we raise our glasses at our editorial meeting today, it will be in your honor.