The Tragedy That is Gaza

In the 13 years since Israel left, the focus of the Arabs in Gaza has never been about the future or about building a better life. It’s never been about helping their people. It’s been all about destroying Israel.

Burning factory in Sderot, which was hit by a rocket from Gaza (Photo - Wikimedia Commons)

The United Nations, that incredibly morally defunct, hypocritical organisation, that thinks it has some kind of higher moral authority to dictate to others, said that a new war in Gaza would be an ‘incredible tragedy.’

“An incredible tragedy.”

Once again they have it wrong about what exactly a tragedy is. Because the tragedy is what has been brewing in Gaza for the last 13 years.

In 2005, Israel left Gaza, pulling out all soldiers and all civilians – uprooting peoples’ homes and uprooting their lives and uprooting their families. When Israel left, it left behind good working infrastructure to give the Arabs in Gaza a chance to make something of their lives. Israel gave them a chance to build a largely independent entity which would allow them to plot their own destiny. Israel gave them opportunities, including a successful greenhouse business with crops ready for export.

But instead of embracing the golden opportunity presented to them, an opportunity for self-determination never offered by any of their ‘Arab brothers,’ they chose not to take it. Instead of lifting themselves up with the greenhouses, they looted them. Instead of inhabiting the previous Jewish community settlements, they ransacked them. They carted off materials such as irrigation hoses, water pumps and plastic sheeting.

The money and the materials that were poured into this coastal strip, determined to help the Arab residents of the Palestinian Authority become a successful model of the so-called Arab dream of yet another Arab state, turned out to be a nightmare instead.

In those 13 years since Israel left, the focus of the Arabs in Gaza, under their thuggish terrorist dictatorship has never been about the future. It’s never been about building a better life. It’s never been about helping their people. It’s never about making the future one of hope and opportunity and aspirations.

It’s been the polar opposite. The infrastructure of hope that was supposed to have been built has been replaced with the infrastructure of hate. The precious minds of engineers, rather than being focused on building vital civilian infrastructure such as water plants and electricity stations, has been maliciously tuned to building rockets and tunnels – each of them designed for the sole purpose of bringing death to men, women and children. They have built purely to kill.

The tragedy is not if a war is coming, because it is. The tragedy is that all the billions of dollars the Arabs have received, the support and hopes and sheer will of much of the world for them to be successful, has been squandered, but not by mismanagement, but rather a deliberate national goal of destroying the only Jewish state on earth.

How many hospitals and schools and universities could have been built? How many centers of excellence of science and development could have flourished? How many dreams could have been fulfilled and opportunities made?

None of that will happen though, because for the Arab leaders, their future is not determined about what they can build, but only by what they can destroy.

Meanwhile, in Israel’s southern communities, rockets continue to fall on innocent people, hurting and terrorizing and killing them.  Terror tunnels continue to be built beneath sleeping children. Kids continue to be traumatized along with their parents who just want to protect them, as all parents do.

For children to grow up, thinking that it is normal to run to bomb shelters, knowing that getting there within seconds could be the difference between life and death – well… that is the real tragedy.

War is not the tragedy as the UN seem to think. War is the inevitable result of what happens when a terrorist entity is allowed to flourish without reprimand or consequences. Because where was the international community during these last 13 years?

Where was the condemnation of what the Hamas rulers were doing – the way they hid rockets under UN funded schools? Or the way they purposely and cynically used civilians as cannon fodder on the Gaza fence border. Or the way they even intimidated UN staff and press. Where was the UN secretary general calling for restraint as they built their terror tunnels night and day and night and day?

And accountability?  Where was that – as the funds of the international community meant for reconstruction instead became the funds of blood and death, destined for deconstruction? And even Israel who continues to supply power and water and even money in the hopes that things will change.

Things will not change, because until generations are educated for peace rather than war, and until there are consequences for building terror infrastructure – then why should things change at all?

No rational people want war, but we are not dealing with rational people. We are dealing with an evil entity who will not stop, no matter how nice you are to them. They will not stop, no matter how much money you give. They will not stop, no matter how much water or electricity you supply.

They will not stop on their own, because no one is forcing them to. And until they are forced to stop, the rocket attacks and the border infiltration attempts and the violence will continue.

My people are under attack – day and night by a darkness that cannot be appeased and a darkness that cannot be tamed and a darkness that cannot be reasoned with.

Egyptians and other international players are furiously working for a cease fire, but you cannot have a ceasefire with evil, because evil does not cease fire, it only waits in the shadows to launch again.

War is coming, but that’s not the tragedy. The tragedy is that it was allowed to get to this stage in the first place.


Justin Amler is a noted South African born, Australia-based writer and commentator on international issues.

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14 comments on the article

  1. The world had encouraged and fiananced the Hamas terrorists who have destroyed any future for the people of Gaza. Those who support these terrorists have blood on their hands .Nothing good will ever come out of this for the people of Gaza . The world is complicit in their misery .
    Thank you Justin for an excellent overview on the travesty that the world has created.

  2. Excellent article. Until the United Nations and powerful countries and institutions recognise the corrupt power and misuse of funds by Hamas, the people of Gaza will continue to suffer.

    Thank you for clarifying the true situation

  3. Thank you for this poignant and well written article.

    An uprooted teen from the town of Neve Dekalim, the regional center of Jewish communities in the Gaza Strip, tells the story leading up to the dispossession and destruction of her community in the summer of 2005 in a most meaningful way. A historic novel, Grains Of Sand: The Fall Of Neve Dekalim​ by Shifra Shomron is extremely valuable to understanding​ and discussion of current events​​ ​in this region.​​

  4. The majority of the Gazians are obviously not able to behave responsibly, due to their terrorist leaders who are probably treating them worse than their attacks to the Israeli settlers on the boarder. There has to be a time when these citizens revolt against their Hamas leaders and Israel should be working towards this end, by distributing messages in various forms to these people as well as gifts of friendship.

    On the other hand, large supplies of fuel, food, electricity and money will go straight to the terrorists and is not the right way to make this rebellion occur. Perhaps the provision of a free transportation from Gaza is how to do it?

  5. Yeah bullshit anti-Semitism
    Media ,Hamas is terrorist puppets of lran.l went Egypt to Jordan to Jerusalem in 77 during war

  6. Beloved Israelites and the IAF and IDF & all the Security forces of Israel. I appeal and request you ALL “Hunt, Search and annihilate terrorists all the time and then no difficult situations comes near you.

  7. I now one thing is he who blesses Israel God will also bless and he who heat Israel God will do the same to them

  8. Ezekiel 13.10 They lead my people astray, saying “Peace”, when there is no peace. There will be no peace in the world, until the Prince of peace,Isaiah 9.6 , returns.

  9. Excellent article. The tragedy is also that much of the west, especially the liberal intelligentsia, have bought into the rhetoric that Hamas have espoused. So we have the BDS movement and university students – and many of their lecturers – shouting in the streets to “free Palestine”. You have young people like Ahed Tamimi, an obviously intelligent young woman who has the potential to do so much good, being feted on world tours spouting about “Israeli aggression”. While the world supports the Palestinians and cheers them on and pays millions of dollars into their coffers, they have no incentive to change. Wirld opinion needs to change before there will be any chance of peace.

  10. Completely agree with this article. The only thing the terrorists respect is strength. Love and honor are not in their mindset. Their mindset is one of destruction and death.