Paying employees and caring for the health of the citizens has no priority for P.A President Abbas. He is willing to create a humanitarian crisis in the West Bank as long as it encourages the murder of Jews.
Following the media storm caused by the top-model, the Hasbara activist reports to “Mida”: “The current government invested in the Arab sector. Many think like me but they do not have the courage to tell the truth”.
The UNHRC condemns Israeli defense against armed terrorists who vow to “tear out the hearts” of Israelis and “erase” the border with Israel, but remains silent about the Hamas aggression.
When it comes to Israel and Jews, much of the West has regressed since November 1947 when Western democracies overwhelmingly voted in favor of welcoming the first Jewish state in 2000 years.
Driven by a vision of becoming a nation like all others, Zionists believed that global Jew-hatred would end once we, the Jewish people, returned to our ancestral lands and reestablished our state. They were wrong.
Europe for decades associated the US with “ruthless Capitalism”, yet criticizes the Trump administration for prioritizing security over profits, cynically preferring business with the Ayatollahs over the well-being of the Iranian people.
When Imams in mosques in North Carolina, New Jersey, Texas and California called for the killing of Jews, American organizations were quiet. No one protested or called on President Donald Trump to confront Muslim supremacy.
Because every single day, all around us, anti-Semitism is alive, festering, growing, becoming more deadly, more horrific and more violent. And there are people - too many people - who feed that hatred.
While she gets to walk the hallways of an Israeli institution in comfort, Jewish students in the United States are intimidated because of the activities that Lara Alqasem was part of and led.
Israel has been reluctant to use massive force against terrorist enemies hiding in civilian urban areas like Gaza and it increasingly focuses more on fighting anti-Israel propaganda than defeating its adversaries in the battle field.
The BDS and social justice warriors are so misaligned and so distorted, they fail to represent real justice. Have they ever done anything beneficial to the very people in whose name they claim to be carrying out their activities?
Sanctions against Iran have not rallied the Iranian people around their regime as critics have warned. Iranians are blaming their own regime for the harsh oppression and deteriorating living conditions.
Even with the recent atrocities, the world will continue throwing money at the murderous Palestinian Authority and demand that Israel reward them with a state of their own.
Arabs who try to sell land to Jews can expect life imprisonment and to be subjected to forced labor by the PA for engaging in something that most people would probably describe as “co-existence”.
Israeli tolerance made it possible for an Arab terrorist to murder Ari Fuld. The Arab murderer even stopped and ordered falafel at a local Israeli stand frequented by both Arabs and Jews before his attack. Jews who enter Arab villages are lynched.
Admitting Hamas is wrong means acknowledging Israel has been right, and an entire industry of ‘peace making’, the fodder that the current ‘narrative’ provides academia, journalists and a host NGOs would collapse, leaving thousands looking embarrassingly stupid.
Europe, which claims to care deeply about human rights and routinely condemns Israel while falsely accusing it of breaching human rights, has chosen to support the Islamo-fascist mullahs against the Iranian people.
The European Union, specifically the UK, Germany, Norway and Sweden, sinisterly engage in political sabotage to undermine Israel by use of NGOs, in total disrespect of international norms