Europe for decades associated the US with “ruthless Capitalism”, yet criticizes the Trump administration for prioritizing security over profits, cynically preferring business with the Ayatollahs over the well-being of the Iranian people.
As long as Ramallah and Gaza prioritize Israel’s destruction over the well being of their populations, the two-state plan will remain an unattainable pipe dream.
The UN and EU, who completely ignored terrorist arson, missiles and general destruction aimed at Israel for the past eight months, have now suddenly woken up. The prospect of Jews defending themselves is more than they can bear.
Israel has been reluctant to use massive force against terrorist enemies hiding in civilian urban areas like Gaza and it increasingly focuses more on fighting anti-Israel propaganda than defeating its adversaries in the battle field.
The BDS and social justice warriors are so misaligned and so distorted, they fail to represent real justice. Have they ever done anything beneficial to the very people in whose name they claim to be carrying out their activities?
Sanctions against Iran have not rallied the Iranian people around their regime as critics have warned. Iranians are blaming their own regime for the harsh oppression and deteriorating living conditions.
Admitting Hamas is wrong means acknowledging Israel has been right, and an entire industry of ‘peace making’, the fodder that the current ‘narrative’ provides academia, journalists and a host NGOs would collapse, leaving thousands looking embarrassingly stupid.
More than anything else, unconditional support of the PLO has undermined any realistic conclusion to the Arab-Israeli conflict. President Trump is breaking from failed traditions.
Contrary to the prevailing view of the American establishment, Trump decided that the connection with Israel was more important for the interests of his country than to try to advance the failed "peace process".
Israeli concessions only lead to more Arab demands for further Israeli concessions. The self-appointed scaremongering industry warning of the “last chance for peace” undermines the prospects of genuine peace.
Europe, which claims to care deeply about human rights and routinely condemns Israel while falsely accusing it of breaching human rights, has chosen to support the Islamo-fascist mullahs against the Iranian people.
We don't seek to conquer the lands of others as did the colonialist Arab, British or European empires of old. We simply want to determine our own future, the future of the Jewish people, in our own land.
Opponents of Israel, including many of its Arab citizens, defiantly wave the PLO flag, yet have no idea what it actually symbolizes and that it has served many other Arab causes. The origins and history of a false flag.
The European Union, specifically the UK, Germany, Norway and Sweden, sinisterly engage in political sabotage to undermine Israel by use of NGOs, in total disrespect of international norms
The growth of Evangelical Christianity in Africa is having a positive effect on African nations' relations with Israel. An Interview with Dr. Saviour Chishimba of Zambia.
Liberal Jewish organizations who condemn the nation state law and Israel's actions in Gaza remain oddly silent over Jewish lives lost and ecological disasters caused by Arab terror.
International sport events claim to be universal symbols of unity and peaceful coexistence, except when it comes to Israel, where the world tolerates Arab racist attitudes towards Israelis.
Many who recognize the legitimacy of Jewish national rights in the Land of Israel are troubled by the new Basic Law. A look at the background and some of the facts about the law that are misrepresented.
The “Israel Victory Paradigm” requires the abandonment of the Oslo concept, the concept that peace and security will be achieved through two states between the Sea and the Jordan River.