The scandalous conduct of the Obama administration regarding the nuclear deal, the failure of the world Intelligence Agencies and other consequences of Israel's amazing Intelligence coup against Iran
There is nowhere I’d rather be. I love my land. I love my people. I treasure each day I wake up to the Israeli sun in a land that completes us as a distinct Jewish nation.
Supporting terrorists, attacking soldiers and police and funding extremist organizations. The case of an official representative of France caught smuggling arms from Gaza to Judea and Samaria is the latest in a long chain of problematic activity
The “March of Return” symbolizes Hamas refusal to acknowledge defeat and until such time that the Arabs accept Israel's existence as fact, true peace and resolution to the conflict will be impossible.
The international community that demanded Israel retreat from Gaza, now attacks Israel for defending its border against Hamas, whose assault on Israel they qualify as “freedom of expression."
The unwillingness of Antisemitism conferences to recognize the Islamic threat against Jews represents an appalling betrayal of Jews who have fallen victims to Muslim Jew hatred.
The ADL criticizes Israel for expelling illegal infiltrators in a meaningless act of virtue signalling, while Israel is one of the leading providers of aid to African countries.
Israel would be exposed to grave perils if an Arab state were ever to be established on the commanding hills overlooking the country’s coastal megalopolis.
Israel is approaching a point when it must decide to destroy the capabilities of the Hezbollah, rather than attempting to deter the enemy from using them.
The harsh incident at Dir ez-Zor illustrates once again the bitter truth: with all due respect to aggressive speeches at the UN, Russia only understands brute physical force
The free world refuses to learn from history, believing Iran’s aggressive regime can be pacified. Appeasing Islamism is rooted in the illusion that evil can be reasoned with.
“Human Rights” organizations funded by Western European governments to fight for the human rights of Arabs, disregard violations of those very rights, when the violators are the PA.
Residents of the south Tel Aviv neighborhoods talk about life in the shadow of the illegal migrants, the fear on the streets and the hope that the situation will improve. “We live in hell”.
The Media, obsessing over ‘fake news’, does not report terrorist attacks in Israel which advances the agenda of portraying Israel as the ‘aggressor’ and the Arabs as ‘victims’.
Genuine progress in the Arab-Israeli conflict will not come about by the amount of land Israel cedes, but by the degree Israel’s neighbors embrace education for peace with Israel
Former Head of IDF Intelligence Research Unit, Yossi Kuperwasser, says that Iran is seeking alternative ways to fight Israel. "Sending a drone into Israel was an aggressive gamble that failed"
There is something fundamentally wrong that while Israel uses its expertise to save European citizens from terrorism, Europe supports and funds Arab terrorism against Israeli citizens.
Israel, like any sovereign country in the world, has the right to determine who may enter its borders and is authorized to remove unwanted violators of its borders from its territory