For decades, the Arab-Israeli conflict was used as a scapegoat by Arab regimes, to distract from the Arab world’s self-inflicted domestic societal issues - It seems it no longer works.
PLO Chairman Abbas admitted recently that the Palestinian Authority was behind all Arab terrorism in Israel. Unsurprisingly, his admission made the headlines nowhere.
When Israel celebrates 71 years of restored Jewish national independence, it bows its head to the 23,741 Israelis who have been killed in action defending the national freedom of the Jewish people. While the price is high, the price of lacking Jewish national freedom was always incomparably higher.
Netanyahu's declared limited goal of ‘ensuring the peace and security’ of the south is a problem. The goal should be total victory: A complete and utter defeat of the enemy. Anything less, as the past 15 years have amply proven, will only lead to escalation.
The memory of the Shoah cries out to the present generation not to take its military and political abilities for granted – and to be willing to use those abilities against those who wish for the Jewish people to be destroyed.
As long as Israel’s enemies are allowed to whitewash 3000 years of continuous Jewish national history in Israel and Jerusalem, genuine peace between Israel and her neighbors will remain a pipe dream.
President Trump appears to recognize that the conflict is not about specific borders, but about the Arabs’ total opposition to Israel’s existence. Israel could be on its way to a full annexation of Judea and Samaria.
European leaders condescendingly believe that they know better how the Jewish nation should run its affairs. A sovereign and independent Jewish state is, once again, condemned for being strong and unapologetic.
Paying employees and caring for the health of the citizens has no priority for P.A President Abbas. He is willing to create a humanitarian crisis in the West Bank as long as it encourages the murder of Jews.
Foreign observers of the Israeli elections have failed to realize that almost all Israelis, more than 25 years after the disaster of Oslo, know that the so-called ‘two-state solution’ would be Israel’s ‘final solution’. They do not see in Netanyahu as a perfect leader but they vote for him because no other recent Israeli leader has been able to create so many victories for Israel.
Saeb Erekat, condemned today the results of the Israeli elections, saying it was a 'vote against peace and for the occupation.' While blaming Israel is their specialty - Justin Amler put things straight.
On the eve of the Israeli elections day, it is important that the politicians remember: the mandate of an elected Israeli Prime Minister is to secure a prosperous future for Israel.
Twenty-five years after the Oslo Accords and a few days before Israeli elections- it is time our leaders learn from History. The end of the conflict will come only after we achieve a clear Israeli victory.
The unfortunate and notable difference the government makes in its response to the rocket launches, is extremely demoralizing on the Israeli southern population. It also damages Israeli deterrence beyond repair.
The international community predictably condemned President Trump’s recognition of Israel’s Golan Heights. Recognizing Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, is simply recognizing reality.
President Trump’s recognition of Israel’s Golan Heights advances Israel’s victory and is the beginning of the end of free lunches for the defeated Arab aggressors.
We, the people of Israel, must demand security. We must demand deterrence. Our security will come about by winning, by determining what the end-game must be and by unapologetically seeing it through.