Former Minister of Justice Haim Ramon goes on the offensive: "The left and the center in Israel have given up on persuading the public, they want to rule through the judiciary and the bureaucracy"
The unfinished Israeli Beresheet spacecraft project proves that as far as Israel is concerned, the sky is the limit and far beyond. So why - when it comes to politics and confronting her enemies - the start-up nation Israel is still surprisingly rigid and inflexible?
Foreign observers of the Israeli elections have failed to realize that almost all Israelis, more than 25 years after the disaster of Oslo, know that the so-called ‘two-state solution’ would be Israel’s ‘final solution’. They do not see in Netanyahu as a perfect leader but they vote for him because no other recent Israeli leader has been able to create so many victories for Israel.
The people have indeed spoken and much was said quite ardently. The majority of Israelis trust Benyamin Netanyahu to be the only candidate worthy of the position of prime minister. Bennett and Shaked are in a difficult position: they didn't succeed to unite secular and religious Zionists with their new party.
Following the media storm caused by the top-model, the Hasbara activist reports to “Mida”: “The current government invested in the Arab sector. Many think like me but they do not have the courage to tell the truth”.
Liberal American Jews are free to disagree with President Trump. Yet, if they still consider themselves Jews, they owe Trump a measure of respect for his support for the Jewish state of Israel and cracking down on its enemies.
Many American Jews may feel fondness for Israel but do not respect the people of Israel to determine what is good for Israel themselves. They discount the Israeli perspective and do not fully appreciate Israeli democracy.
One of 52 Jewish outposts of the"Homa UMigdal", the pre-state Yeshuv's strategy to overcome settlement restrictions by the British, Kibbutz Negba was where the advancing Egyptian Army was stopped.
While she gets to walk the hallways of an Israeli institution in comfort, Jewish students in the United States are intimidated because of the activities that Lara Alqasem was part of and led.
Talking is good. The sticky part however, is that it’s not so much “we need to talk” on the part of the Federation as it is what they feel they have a right to insist upon vis-a-vis Israeli cultural, religious and other policies.
Saying that a terrorist acted alone is no doubt convenient for the Israeli government. It allows it to shy away from the hard questions and the difficult conclusions that might be reached otherwise.
She was the Iron Lady of the Zionist Movement, whom all looked up to. Yet she put her faith in the men around her, leading to the hardest week of her life. Remembering Golda Meir on the 45th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.
Even with the recent atrocities, the world will continue throwing money at the murderous Palestinian Authority and demand that Israel reward them with a state of their own.
The Israeli government would never tolerate a nonchalant, less than maximum deterrence approach by other governments to Jewish communities the world over. Citizens of Israel should expect the same from our government here.
Israeli tolerance made it possible for an Arab terrorist to murder Ari Fuld. The Arab murderer even stopped and ordered falafel at a local Israeli stand frequented by both Arabs and Jews before his attack. Jews who enter Arab villages are lynched.
A week before the Israeli parliamentarians return to work, an architect's look at the Knesset structure, symbol of the reborn Jewish nation's sovereignty.
Despite many challenges, Israelis seem more content with their lives than most people in the world, including most Western countries. While the Jewish state cherishes its past, it is firmly focused on the future.
Influence is no longer a function of overriding wealth or coercive power. When the Elites, who have been used to telling regular folks what their values should be, lose their monopoly, they often lash out.