The Invisible Black Man Speaks Avi Woolf | 17/05/2015 Mumia "Obsidian" Ali talks about the experience of the Abandoned - working class American Black men left to fend entirely for themselves.
Baltimore, Moynihan and the Invisible Black Man Avi Woolf | 11/05/201513/05/2015 The solution to Baltimore, and to the Black community in general, lies in recognizing the problem of the invisible and discarded Black man.
Austria-Hungary’s First World War Avi Woolf | 31/03/201502/04/2015 The Battle of Galicia is finally given its rightful place as one of the titanic clashes of August 1914 alongside the Marne and Tannenberg.
A Minority Report for Israel’s Right Avi Woolf | 26/03/201529/03/2015 Until now, Israel's right has let the left set the tone for discussions of non-Jewish minorities. Here's how they can change that.
When Czarist Russia Committed Suicide Avi Woolf | 12/03/201519/01/2016 A new documentary promises to finally tell the story of WWI from the Russian perspective.
BDS and the Dilemma of Jewish Liberal Academics Avi Woolf | 19/02/201521/02/2015 The recent success of BDS have forced a thorough response by liberal Jewish academics. The book tells us as much about them as it does about BDS.
The Church of Agranat and Feinstein Avi Woolf | 14/12/201414/12/2014 Dianne Feinstein's report on CIA torture is part of a long history of choosing "justice" over solutions, something Israel is all too familiar with.
Bashing Israel as Group Therapy Avi Woolf | 23/11/201423/11/2014 The New Yorker's recent articles on Israel make sense as the effort of liberal diaspora Jews to cleanse their conscience at Israeli expense.
Europe’s ‘Other’: A Response to Natan Sharansky Avi Woolf | 30/09/201405/01/2015 The post-liberal atmosphere Natan Sharansky sees is rooted in disdain for non-Western Europe - of which the Jews were a vital part.
Patriotism and Dissent: Not a Zero-Sum Game Avi Woolf | 16/09/201407/02/2016 Contrary to the far left, there are ways to dissent and reform government conduct without blackening the country's name in public.
The Jewish Holy War in Galicia, 1914-1916 Avi Woolf | 28/08/201421/11/2014 For the Jews, the fight against the Russian Army in Galicia in WWI was far from "futile" or "pointless".
Hasbara – What’s It Good For, Anyway? Avi Woolf | 12/08/201421/11/2014 Thousands of Jews and Israel supporters engaged in Hasbara daily during Protective Edge. But how effective is it?
The Shots That Started the First World War? Avi Woolf | 28/06/201421/11/2014 The First World War was the result of deliberate and conscious action, not accidental and impersonal forces.
Versailles: The Root of All Evil? Avi Woolf | 01/06/201407/02/2016 A new History Channel Docudrama claims Versailles was the main cause of WWII. Too bad it's not true.
Prelude to Lebensraum? Germany’s Occupation of Eastern Europe in WWI Avi Woolf | 18/05/201407/02/2016 Was the German conquest of Eastern Europe in WWI a prelude to Hitler's racial Armageddon? Not when you look at the facts.
Packs, not Herds: Those Cowardly Frenchmen Avi Woolf | 12/05/201421/11/2014 For too long, the French have been derided as militarily incompetent cowards. The WWI Centennial is a chance to put that myth to rest.
Packs, not Herds: The Great Exodus of WWI Avi Woolf | 20/04/201421/11/2014 In WWI, over half a million Jews were sent into exile, not by a Pharoah, but by paranoid Russian generals.
Packs, not Herds: A Conservative Take on 21st Century Scientific Progress Avi Woolf | 05/04/201421/11/2014 Science and innovation may be 'inevitable', but how we use it is not.
Packs, not herds: Compared to what? On the Industrial Revolution Avi Woolf | 31/03/201421/11/2014 In his inaugural blog post, Mida's English editor Avi Woolf takes on one of the great myths of history - the "intolerable conditions" of Industrial Revolution workers.
Jews and the Military: A New Perspective Avi Woolf | 25/02/201421/04/2015 Contrary to popular perception, Jews have been defending themselves and fighting in armies long before the State of Israel.