The proposed law to limit cash deals is aimed at criminals and tax evasion. In practice, it will hit the poor and the already income-strapped public.
Akiva Bigman takes a look at Religious Zionism's conservative credentials and finds it sorely wanting.
Israel needs to find a balance between changing an unstable system and avoiding unintended negative consequences.
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld pays tribute to a giant of scholarship and a warrior against hatred.
It's Shavu'ot time, and that means more alarmist talk of a conversion crisis in Israel. Elli Fischer explains why that's nonsense.
Ever wondered what would happen if Hamas "Broke the Silence"? Seth Frantzman gives us a taste of what it would look like.
Mumia "Obsidian" Ali talks about the experience of the Abandoned - working class American Black men left to fend entirely for themselves.
The solution to Baltimore, and to the Black community in general, lies in recognizing the problem of the invisible and discarded Black man.
We present the new Justice MInister with a serious challenge: rolling back the Attorney General's unilateral seizure of authority.
If Mida got a hold of Iran's secret negotiating playbook, this is what it would look like.
Contrary to common perception, the settlement movement was and remains a national project, not a sectorial one.
The utterly groundless belief that Israel is Nazi Germany reborn has wide purchase throughout Europe.
With the renewal of coalition negotiations, Mida would like to make its own proposals for (realistic) best candidates in the top ministries.
Likud political strategist Aron Shaviv talks about V15, the ups and downs of the Likud campaign, and right-wing politics in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Middle East is on fire, and President Obama's trying to put it out with a squirt gun.
The Battle of Galicia is finally given its rightful place as one of the titanic clashes of August 1914 alongside the Marne and Tannenberg.
Contrary to post-elections cheers and jeers, Israel's public remains staunchly pragmatic and non-ideological. Here's how the right can work with that.
Until now, Israel's right has let the left set the tone for discussions of non-Jewish minorities. Here's how they can change that.
Far too much of the country is without proper law enforcement. This must change.
Mida congratulates Binyamin Netanyahu on winning the 2015 elections. Here's how he can make the country freer, safer and with more accountable government.
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